Magical names according to christians
Magical names according to christians

magical names according to christians

What was the source of Pharaoh’s magician’s magic? If it is not from God, the only other source is from Satan and his demons.

magical names according to christians

Apparently, Pharaoh had his own magicians but they are no match for God. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs”(Ex 7:10b-12). For each man cast down his staff, and they became serpents. When God sent Moses and Aaron to bring His people out of Egypt, “Aaron cast down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they, the magicians of Egypt, also did the same by their secret arts. The greatest difference between magic and miracles is their source one can be human or even from wicked spirits, the other is always from God. The magician takes glory for himself and that’s bad because God will not share His glory with anyone else (Isaiah 42:8 48:11). Even those in the early church that had God perform miracles through them gave God the glory. Magic always give glory to the magician miracles give glory to God. Magic has its limitations but miracles do not. A magician can pull a rabbit out of their hat but only God can bring a dead rabbit back to life. Many argue that magic and miracles claim to be the same thing and that is that they are the intervention or suspension of the natural laws of science to achieve something that would otherwise be impossible, but clearly, magic and miracles are not even close to the same thing because of their source. It is a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assures human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature to be under the control of those who perform it (magicians). It may involve the art of producing illusions as entertainment, using the use of sleight of the hand, deceptive devices, or conjuring some result up for an audience to see. Magic still plays an important spiritual, religious, and medicinal role in many cultures around the world today. Magic may include the use of symbols, rituals, actions, chants, gestures, and language that somehow contain power to perform certain functions. The definition of magic varies widely, depending upon whom you ask.

magical names according to christians

What is the biblical view of magic? Is it sin? Should we distance ourselves from it? What is Magic?

Magical names according to christians